Mombasa meeting: 30 January

20/02/2024 News

The Clean Oceans Project Identification and Preparation (COPIP) presented the Mombasa Solid Waste Circular Economy prefeasibility study findings to the Mombasa County Government on 30 January 2024. The Governor of Mombasa County His Excellency Abdullswamad Sherrif Nassir, the Deputy Governor His Excellency Francis Thoya, and other key members of the county administration attended the meeting. The COPIP team, comprising Peter Wanday and Joanes Odero, as well as the European Investment Bank’s Waste Expert, Joyce Klu, had an interactive session on thematic issues related to technical options, financial and economic viability and the proposed institutional set-up needed to modernise Mombasa’s waste management sector.

HE Abdullswamad Sherrif Nassir acknowledged the existing municipal solid waste management in Mombasa County and emphasised a shared commitment to finding lasting solutions. COPIP and Mombasa County will deepen their collaboration during the feasibility study, commencing mid-February to July 2024.

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