Strengthening the Collaboration between Mombasa County Government and WWF-Kenya

10/08/2023 News

Written by Alex Kubasu, Programme Coordinator, Circular Economy Initiative, WWF Kenya. Originally posted on LinkedIn.

WWF-Kenya Head of Conservation Programmes, Jackson Kiplagat, the Coastal Kenya Programme Manager, Dr Asma Awadh and the Circular Economy Initiative team members Henry MunyaoHussein Ahmed and I paid a courtesy visit to the County Government of Mombasa Deputy Governor and CECM Environment and Solid Waste Management H.E. Francis Thoya earlier today (10/08/2023).

The Deputy Governor acknowledged the supportive role WWF-Kenya has played in the organisational development of waste managers in Mombasa through the Danida Green Business Partnerships / Danida Market Development Partnerships Waste To Value Project.

Also discussed were the proposed amendments to the Mombasa County Solid Waste Management Act to align with the National Sustainable Waste Management Act of 2022 and the proposed EPR Regulations; that WWF-Kenya will support fully building up on the already drafted Counties Sustainable Waste Management Model Act through the Norad – Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation funded EPR Project.

The county is committed to mobilising all partners to support the WWF-Kenya pilot project that seeks to promote segregation of waste at source; a critical step towards a circular economy in the county and beyond funded by European Investment Bank (EIB) under COPIP.

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