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Integrated Solid Waste Management for Mauritius Mini Fiche

This mini fiche evaluates the potential for progressing the project to Pre-Feasibility Stage. Th project includes the introduction or improvement of waste collection and support and promotion of recycling and composting.

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Project FicheBissau integrated solid waste and sanitation project (Guinea-Bissau)

This project fiche evaluates the potential for progressing the project to Pre-Feasibility Stage.

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Project Fiche Lagos circular economy solid waste management Project (Nigeria)

This project fiche evaluates the potential for progressing the project to Pre-Feasibility Stage. The project includes waste segregation at source, community involvement, Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs), biowaste transition, energy reduction, converting waste to value and transition to a circular economy.

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Project Fiche Transform Freetown Solid Waste Management and Sanitation Project (Sierra Leone)

This project fiche evaluates the potential for progressing the project to Pre-Feasibility Stage.

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Earth Day 2024 – Planet vs. Plastics

Earth Day 2024 is championing a call for a 60% reduction in the production of plastics by 2040. Find out how COPIP’s work is supporting this goal.

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Project Fiche Dar Es Salaam Community Based Solid Waste Management (SWM) Project- Integrated SWM (Tanzania)

This project fiche evaluates the main project components which include a community approach with waste separation at source and plastic collection in stormwater channels.

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Project Fiche Prevention of pollution by household and assimilated waste in the coastal zone of Côte d’Ivoire

This project fiche evaluates the potential for progressing the project to Pre-Feasibility Stage.

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Dry Waste Collecting Boats for the Coastal Towns of Madagascar Mini Fiche

This mini fiche evaluates the potential for progressing the project to Pre-Feasibility Stage. The project covers the introduction or improvement of waste collection, the closing of illegal dumpsites and support and promotion of recycling and composting.

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Pemba Integrated Stormwater and Solid Waste Project (Mozambique) Mini Fiche

This mini fiche evaluates the potential for progressing the project to Pre-Feasibility Stage. The project includes the introduction or improvement of waste collection from the drainage system, the closing of illegal dumpsites, support and promotion of recycling, composting and improved energy efficiency.

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L’importance de la gestion durable des déchets solides municipaux en Afrique

Le continent africain joue un rôle essentiel dans l’atténuation et l’adaptation au changement climatique. Cette année, le Kenya accueillera le Sommet africain de l’action pour le climat (4–6 septembre), qui réunira les principaux acteurs et dirigeants de l’industrie pour tracer les moyens d’atteindre les principaux objectifs de l’Accord de Paris et de créer un élan avant la Conférence des Nations unies sur le changement climatique, la COP 28, qui se tiendra à Dubaï (novembre–décembre 2023).

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